Top 5 easy cannabis recipes for cooking at home

— 15
min read

Edibles recipes hash photo

Food and weed: how to mix them? And….for what?

Well, we all can have a normal joint but the combination of marijuana and, for example, chocolate, can let you get some new experience and feelings, enjoying the interesting taste. We have already written about edible cannabis, with the main advantages and basic things, such as decarboxylation of weed, but now we want to share with you some easy cannabis edible recipes and tips for cooking with cannabis. In general, using weed in cooking is super easy, to get started, go to the cannabis club in Barcelona and choose the strain you want to use, be sure to check with budtender the dosage of THC. Now you need to do some preparation:

  1. to decarboxylate it
  2. and then, according to the recipe, make cannabis oil, cannabis butter or flour and after you can cook whatever you want.

One should note here that sweets are the most popular type of food which could be cooked, but the oil you can use for pasta, vegetables, salads, and many other dishes. Here we will share with you the most simple weed recipes, and for some of them, you just need 1-2 ingredients and a bit time to cook.

The first thing that needs to be said is that you need to be very careful with weed dosage when you are cooking: just try a small amount to understand what will be better for you. We will add the information about THC in every recipe, but for not being too high it is important to not eat all the food in one moment.

In general, the formula is: 0,5 g of cannabis with 10 portions of edibles contains 50 mg of THC and each portion will have 5.00 mg. But it is real with conditions that we use medium quality marijuana and this is average effect according to the average index. So, when you are following any hemp recipes, be sure that you understand the final amount and be ready to try for the first time the small piece to see if it is strong for you or it is okay. We are sure you will enjoy your new way of using weed with the food!

Let’s see the list of weed recipes, which you can easily do at home even today!

  • amazing cannabis chocolate
  • fun cannabis gummy jelly
  • super tasty weed chocolate cake
  • cannabis tincture
  • easy and delicious cannabis cookies

Now you know that making food with weed is not difficult and you even don't need to have some special skills or cooking utensils at home. Just relax and have a lot of fun!

Join our community to find out all the news about cannabis, to know where it is possible to have the best weed edibles in Barcelona and how to cook easy and tasty weed recipes.

How to make cannabis chocolate?

Cannabis recipes chocolate photo

Who loves chocolate? Put your hands up in the air! Almost everyone:) Let’s cook the easiest edible: chocolate weed.

First and foremost it is super tasty and, what is more, you don't need special skills, because it is available even for the beginners.

Second it will be the best way to try to cook something with a weed without a lot of effort but with a great result.

Are you ready for the weed chocolate?



  • Dark chocolate or milk - 3 bars
  • Nuts, dried fruit or other additions for the chocolate (optional)
  1. Melt the chocolate. You can do it in a microwave or to put it in a heat-proof dish on top of boiling water.
  2. Put your decarboxylated cannabis into the chocolate and stir it.
  3. When it all melted together, you can place it into a mold. Add vanilla or dried fruits if you want.
  4. Check carefully if there are not any air bubbles  (just tap on the table to be sure) and put into the fridge to refrigerate.


Usually, we use at the recipes cannabis oil or butter but chocolate contains cocoa butter so we could put weed directly. As for weed chocolate dosage, roughly every gram of weed contains 150 mg of THC, so in one bar it will be 100 mg of THC. So don’t eat it all, please, just try some pieces to see if it is strong for you or not and if not, after 1 hour, not earlier, you can try to eat more.

How to store cannabis chocolate?

The best option is to wrap edible weed chocolate in the foil and store in a cool, dark place because chocolate very easily absorbed all the smells which are around, so if you put it in a fridge or a shell with spices without covering, it will taste after some time with all the things around.

In general, eating chocolate is a healthy and tasty way of using weed because it doesn’t touch your lungs.

Besides, you can experiment with the taste to add nuts or aromas to make the chocolate with your taste. Also, it is ridiculously easy to make, how you can see, no special equipment, neither list of the products that you need to go and buy to a supermarket.

Chocolate is good antistress food and with weed, it increases its benefits!

How to make cannabis butter?

Cannabis butter best photo

One of the basic things that are very useful in the weed recipes is cannabutter. Especially in some sweets, like cakes, cookies, and pies. One should note here that when you did it you will be able to use it for several recipes because it is not necessary to replace all the normal butter with our special. If you want to know how it works, so here is the answer: cannabinoids from the weed attached with the fat and after some time they already become one. We hope you will be pleasantly surprised when you find out how many options do you have with using this cannabutter! Good thing is that for making weed butter you don’t need to buy some special marijuana, all the options will be perfect and it is better to use saving weeds residue for butter.

How and where to keep it?

Good thing is that you can also freeze weed butter it could be suitable for 6 months in that way. Another method of storing is just to keep it in the fridge in a paper or a crystal form. In that way it will be useful during several weeks. Be careful with other smells: butter can easily absorb all the aromas which will be around.

Flavor it!

It is also possible to flavor your cannabutter with sweet things such as orange, lemons or apples and make it sweet with sugar or coconut powder. On the other hand, to make it spicy it is possible to add for example garlic, thyme, basil, chili powder, pepper, hot sauce. Imagine, how many interesting and tasty things you can do with this product!

So, how to make easy marijuana butter?



  • 1 cup of butter
  1. You need to mix 1 cup of the butter and 1 cup of the water (we use it to prevent the butter from the scorching).
  2. Then grind the cannabis with a grinder.
  3. When butter melted, add the cannabis into it.
  4. Put the temperature around 70°С and let butter and cannabis mixed during 2 or 3 hours.
  5. Strain the cannabutter through the cheesecloth and put it into the fridge.
  6. In 1 hour check if there is some water still and take it out.


Be careful with the dosage: of course, you don’t need to use everything for one cake just try to add ¼ or ½  of a teaspoon and after eating one portion to see in 1 hour how do you feel.

Your cannabis-infused butter is ready! It was not super fast but to tell the truth not so difficult, isn’t it? Now you can cook any recipe which contains butter but just to replace a small amount of normal to weed. We are talking not only about sweets but also you can fry anything with it in the pan. By the way, you can easily use any vegetarian oil, such as coconut or olive, just keep in mind that butter can easily burn so you need to keep your attention on it more carefully. We hope you would like our next recipe which is a delicious chocolate cake which is weed simple butter recipe.

How to make cannabis tincture?

Cannabis recipe for tincture photo

What is it, a cannabis tincture?

If we are talking in general, the tincture is nothing else as a cannabis extract that is based on alcohol or glycerin. Many years ago it was the first variant of using cannabis in medicine before it was prohibited. It is easy to make weed cold brew tincture at home and it has a wide range of uses, especially for non-smokers.

One should note here that the main thing is to use food-grade liquids. For example in USA cannabis extract alcohol grain recipe based on the Everclear which is a brand name of rectified spirit (also known as grain alcohol and neutral spirit) or Bacardi 151 (which contains 75.5% of alcohol) or glycerin (nonalcoholic).

Why it is sometimes better than other variants of using weed?

All the effects of tinctures are going away a lot faster than any edibles: all the food with cannabis “caught” THC and your mind longer, base of the communication with the fats which are contained in cannabutter or oil.  Also, it is pretty difficult to get a lot of amount of tinctures because of the taste (comparing with chocolate cake, for example). It is much easier to overdo with sweets, fried vegetables, and other food than with tinctures.

What are weed tinctures used for?

Cannabis tinctures can be added to most of the types of food and drinks. For example, you can make gelatin bears with it, put some drops into your soup or salad dressing, juice or ice cream. When you will understand the best dose for you, just choose the way how do you consume cannabis tincture and it will be possible to put required weed tincture quantity to any of your favorite dishes.

Let’s see how to make a tincture from weed!

Formula with weed and alcohol:

Light effect– 10 g of weed + 300 ml of alcohol

Medium effect – 10 g of weed + 200 ml of alco

Strong effect – 10 g of weed + 100 ml of alco



  1. Grind the decarboxylate cannabis.
  2. Add it to a glass container like a jar.
  3. Put alcohol to the jar and close it.
  4. Leave the jar in a dark place from 2 weeks to several months. Shake the mixture every couple of days.
  5. Strain when it will be ready and put into a bottle.


The common way of using tinctures is to put them under the tongue and hold until it absorbs into membrane beneath the tongue. As for cannabis tincture dosing, it is better to begin from 1-2 drops and after 1-2 hours you will understand if it is enough for you to feel high or not.

How to store it?

Alcohol tinctures can be saved for several years (if kept in an amber/cobalt glass bottle in the fridge). Glycerin tinctures can be saved a few months if refrigerated.

So as you can see it is not difficult at all but needs some time to be ready. But after you can enjoy your tinctures and experiment a lot with using it by itself or with some food and recipes.

How to make cannabis gummy recipe?

Cannabis dinner recipes photo

One of the super fun and top edible that you can easily make at home without any special tools is gummy bears. It is some kind of really healthy products which would be done in some steps. The thing is that if you want to avoid the refined sugar and also fats, but still want to have some fruit candy, that homemade weed gummies could be a perfect option for you.

What do you need to make your gummies?

First of all, for making cannabis gummies recipe, you need to have a tincture. But as we wrote above it is not difficult to do (it requires having 2 ingredients for that). All other things depend on your taste.

Which is the best cannabis gummy candy recipe jello?



  • 1 oz tincture (it is around 29,5 milliliters)
  • 2 green (or any other with your taste) tea bags
  • 3 tbsp of honey
  • ½ cup of coconut water
  • ¾ cup cherry (or any other with your taste) juice
  • 1 ½ tbsp agar-agar powder or gelatin (to make vegan cannabis gummies, use agar)
  • ⅛ tsp of salt
  1. Put the coconut water into a small saucepan. Boil it and add, tea bags into it coconut water for up to 10 minutes (but no less than 4 minutes). Take out the tea bags.
  2. Add the juice, salt, and honey to saucepan. Stir gently. Return mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
  3. After this put agar-agar powder or gelatin and whisk constantly for 3–4 minutes.
  4. Now the time for your tincture: put it and whisk it very well again.
  5. Turn off the stove and the liquid into the condiment bottle through the funnel. (be careful, it is hot!)
  6. Put it into the gummy bear mold.
  7. Put the mold to the fridge and let it there for 15 minutes.
  8. Remove bears from the mold and store in an airtight container.


The main thing at this recipe is a tincture, so we need to count all the amounts of it into the numbers of our bears. With these proportions, we will have 1 mg THC per gummy bear (but potency may vary widely depending on the tincture). Anyway like we always mention here, better to begin with small dosage and to see in 1 hour the effect. If it is not enough you can always increase it to find the most comfortable way for you.

How to store cannabis gummies?

Good news for all who are in love with weed edibles: as opposed to the cakes or cookies, cannabis gummies do not need to be in the fridge, they also don’t have some special time when they have to be eaten. Just put it in a dark cool place, like a shell at your kitchen, and enjoy your sweets at any moment when you want.

There is a lot of weed - infused gummy bear recipes, but we want to share the most flexible one just to have an opportunity for you to make different tastes of your favorite sweets. Choose your type of juice or tea, to add some caffeine (from green tea) or not to add, to make it with cherry or pineapple tastes for example.

How to make weed chocolate cake?

Cannabis pot pie recipes photo

A classical dessert with weed is the chocolate cake. It calls “Space cake” because you really could have a travel to Space with it. It is one of the most popular edibles and the most well-known way of making weed cake with butter. This cannabis cake is easy to cook and it is very tasty. But with the taste, it is also one dangerous thing: to stop!

How long it is possible to store this Space cake?

To tell the truth it will be okay to store it in the fridge for one week maximum or three months in the freezer. Be sure that you protect all the people who are living with you that they will not take some “piece of an amazing tasty chocolate cake which they found in the fridge”. Maybe they will have the best trip in their life but anyway it is better to know about what you are eating.

How to make a weed cake?



  • 200 gr melting dark chocolate
  • 250 gr soft cannabutter
  • 200 gr sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • some drops of vanilla extract
  • 350 gr  flour
  • 2 tbs of powdered cocoa
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Some drops of lemon juice
  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC
  2. Slowly melt the chocolate in a microwave or in some  saucepan
  3. Put the lemon juice into the milk
  4. Mix in a bowl flour, cocoa, baking powder
  5. Mix sugar and cannabutter very well with blender, add eggs one by one, don’t stop mixing
  6. Add vanilla extract, chocolate and mix with milk and flour. Stir very well
  7. Put some butter at the baking dish and add our mixture
  8. Bake around 50 minutes


Doesn't matter if it is vegan weed chocolate cake or just the regular one it is difficult to stop to eat it. But you need to be very careful because the effect is very strong and it comes in some hours so you could not catch the moment when it is better to stop. Only the moment when it was better to stop before. So we advise you to try 1 small piece of this snack and see in 1 hour how do you feel. We just want to have some fun and eat marijuana instead of smoking, aren’t we?

As you can see it is a very easy weed cake recipe, which you can do at home without any problems. It has an intense, special flavor; the chocolate ends up intensifying the marijuana taste. We also advise you not to eat a lot of food before your special dessert. Some people mention that they have a very good sleep after Space chocolate cake, but all depends on the type of weed strain. Be careful with the dosage, don’t eat it all in one moment, relax and enjoy!

Carla Gallego
Author — Cannabis enthusiast, researcher and editor of Cannabis Guide Barcelona